On December 9, 2022. The European Commission has approved the European Funds for Fisheries program for 2021 – 2027. The budget – €732 million – is funded 70% by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund, with the remaining 30% to come from the budgets of the beneficiary countries. The initiative is a continuation of the Operational Program for Fisheries and the Sea implemented from 2014 to 2020.
The main objectives of the program are:
- Implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and the EU Maritime Policy;
- Promoting sustainable fisheries and conservation of living marine resources;
- Ensuring food security;
- Implementation of the European Green Deal;
- Strengthening the resilience of the fishing sector;
- Development of a sustainable blue economy.
The program targets marine fishermen, Local Fisheries Action Groups, fishing and producer organizations, and scientific institutions.
The priorities of the program are to promote sustainable fishing and the conservation of living aquatic resources (over 314 million euros) and to support sustainable aquaculture activities and the processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products, thereby contributing to food security in the Union (over 304 million euros).
Work is currently underway on drafts of the implementation law and implementing regulations. The assumed date of entry into force of the legislation enabling the launch of the program is the first quarter of 2023 . At the same time, work is underway to establish a monitoring committee and develop criteria for selecting operations.