Author Archives: Agnieszka Hobot
Dzierżno Duże reservoir in agony
For the past three weeks, a difficult battle has been waged by services and volunteers [...]
Yemen – water crisis in the shadow of war
In the heart of Yemen, where conflict has not ceased for a decade, water has [...]
Ospreys – the success of a bird conservation project in Poland
An osprey conservation project offers hope for the survival of this rare species in Poland. [...]
In the embrace of anemones. On how clownfish found an ally
In the sea's depths, where light fades and the unknown begins to reign, a remarkable [...]
Fight for water in the shadow of a tourist paradise
Kenya, located in the heart of East Africa, is known as a tourist paradise with [...]
Flamingos – not just beauty in pink
Who among us hasn't encountered a flamingo while on vacation? Especially large and inflatable. A [...]
Osprey – a huge bird, rarer than lynx in Polish forests
The osprey, a majestic bird of prey perfectly adapted to life on the water, became [...]
Sources of the Vistula River. About our beliefs
Do you know exactly where the Vistula, Poland's longest river, has its beginning? Discovering the [...]
20 years in the European Union, and we still don’t know who is responsible for water
Twenty years have passed, some would say like a day. Such an anniversary prompts summations. [...]
Nature man’s best friend
Scientific research has already proven more than once that contact with nature has an extremely [...]