Author Archives: Krzysztof Gruszecki
Legal nature of water maintenance plans and assessment of their correctness
Public consultations on draft water maintenance plans have recently been conducted. They have caused a [...]
Environmental disaster – legal considerations
Recently, the term ecological catastrophe has often appeared in media coverage, for example, in the [...]
The angler’s principle – catch and release vs. humane protection of fish in light of current legal solutions
In the past, the main reason for fishing with a rod was to obtain fish [...]
Earthworks in the vicinity of water bodies – legal basis
Properties located in the vicinity of water reservoirs are highly developed for both recreational and [...]
Water management vs. fisheries management – legal considerations
There is an ongoing discussion in the media about how the activities related to the [...]
Access to water
One of the more popular forms of recreation is water recreation. Unfortunately, it is very [...]