Author Archives: Piotr Panek
Haptophytes – algae little known, but very important
In terms of algae, databases list tens of thousands of confirmed species (the number can [...]
Do seasonal flow dynamics depend on snow conditions?
A recent issue of Water Matters mentioned a publication by ten authors, mostly from Tsinghua [...]
Devil’s carnation – a worldwide phenomenon
One of the world's smallest fish populations is formed by the Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon [...]
Unusual hailstorm in Texas. Does it mean a new world record?
Texas once again became the center of attention for meteorologists and storm hunters when giant [...]
Pollution from the sky – precipitation and monitoring its chemistry
On March 5, 2024. A conference was held to summarize the project called Strengthening the [...]
Fytophthora, or water mold – a threat to crops, but also wild plants
In late 2023 and early 2024, precipitation totals in many areas of Poland not only [...]
Water fluoridation – a problem or a way to healthy teeth?
On January 31, a San Francisco court, presided over by Judge Edward Chen, reopened a [...]
Genomes – as many as seven in a cell of an inconspicuous alga
Keeping in mind that in biology there are exceptions to almost every rule, it is [...]
New taxonomy of cyanobacteria, or how not to get lost in the systematic jungle
The last quarter century has seen major changes in algal taxonomy, both at the level [...]
Cloudiness over the city, or why does it always rain more often in my place?
Many people watch the weather where they live. Some in a more advanced way - [...]