In response to the development of infrastructure projects and climate challenges, Poland’s Natura 2000 network is expanding. The changes include 4 new areas and modifications to the boundaries of 20 areas. The General Directorate of Environmental Protection (GDOŚ) has just begun the consultation process with municipal councils on the issue.
Natura 2000
The Natura 2000 network, established in Poland in 2004, is part of the European Ecological Network Natura 2000, which was created under EU regulations, including the Birds Directive(2009/147/EC) and the Habitats Directive(92/43/EEC). The network includes protected areas in every member country of the European Union, and its goal is to protect the most valuable and endangered habitats and species of plants and animals on land and in Europe’s waters.
The Birds Directive focuses on the protection of all species of wild birds found within the European Union, while the Habitats Directive aims to protect a variety of natural habitats and wildlife. Within this network, Special Bird Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Habitat Protection Areas (SACs) have been designated, which together form an integral part of the nature conservation strategy at the European level.
The main purpose of the Natura 2000 network is to ensure the long-term survival of Europe’s most valuable and endangered species and habitats. The realization of this goal is carried out while taking into account social and economic needs, which means that the management of these areas aims to achieve a balance between nature conservation and the development of local communities.
Planned changes
The European Commission stressed the need to expand the Natura 2000 network and to include in the protection of the sites compensation measures related to the implementation of two major infrastructure projects: the construction of the S3 Swinoujscie-Troszyn road and the construction and expansion of the Swinoujscie port access infrastructure planned for 2023-2029. This decision is the result of both internal analyses and comments and requests made by those responsible for supervising Natura 2000 sites. Experts noted the need to increase protection of these areas to ensure their long-term survival and sustainability.
The list of changes includes four new areas and boundary changes in twenty existing areas. The new areas are: Grasslands on the Lower Narew River, Ponds in Lasomin, Tunnel in Szklary, and Naterki. Below is a list of the changes.
1 Lower Barycz Valley:
- increase in area: +149.18 hectares;
- Rationale: technical correction of the boundary, addition of habitat patches and habitats of beaver and otter.
2 – Kliczkowskie Oaks:
- increase in area: +3.61 hectares;
- Rationale: technical correction of the boundary, linking to the boundaries of forest clearings and land parcels.
3 Karpnik Ponds:
- increase in area: +36.99 hectares;
- Justification: inclusion of a patch of habitat 6510, technical correction of the boundary.
4. Trzcińskie Wetlands:
- increase in area: +77.49 hectares;
- Rationale: inclusion of patches of habitat 6510 and the nausitous praying mantis, technical correction of the boundary.
5. the Sułowskie Marshes:
- increase in area: +5.54 hectares;
- Rationale: technical correction of the boundary, harmonization with the boundaries of the Sułowskie Wetlands Reserve.
6 Oakwood Forest:
- increase in area: +158.90 hectares;
- Rationale: correction of the boundary, inclusion of areas with patches of 9170, 91E0 and 91F0 habitats.
7 Holy Lugs:
- increase in area: +51.60 hectares;
- Rationale: correction of the boundary, inclusion of areas with 7140 and 91D0 habitat patches and buffer areas.
8 Ore:
- increase in area: +0.80 ha;
- Justification: correction of the boundary, linking to the boundaries of forest clearings and the extent of the landscape park.
9 Gorlice County Bat Refuges:
- increase in area: +571.62 hectares;
- Rationale: inclusion of two enclaves of sites of the Greater and Lesser Horseshoe Bats, along with foraging and migration areas.
10 Modlin Forts:
- increase in area: +4.07 hectares;
- Rationale: inclusion of Fort XIV b Golawice, the site of a breeding colony of the great nightjar and a wintering population of the mop.
11 Mopki in Narushev:
- increase in area: +1837.25 hectares;
- Rationale: to fulfill EU obligations to protect the mop.
12. grasslands on the Lower Narew River:
- new area: 1434.03 hectares;
- Rationale: to fulfill EU obligations for habitat 6120, as well as to protect habitats 2330 and 6510.
13. ponds in Lasomin:
- new area: 40.67 hectares;
- Rationale: establishment of the area for the protection of the reproductive population of the toad.
14 Rozumitic Forest:
- area reduction: -3.44 hectares;
- Rationale: technical correction of the boundary, exclusion of areas without natural habitats.
15 Shumirad:
- increase in area: +44.72 hectares;
- Rationale: correction of the boundary, inclusion of areas constituting a buffer zone for the objects of protection of the area.
16 Tunnel in Glass:
- new area: 8.57 hectares;
- Rationale: to fulfill EU obligations to protect the wintering grounds of the mop and great nightjar.
17 Zlotopotock refuge:
- increase in area: +790.12 hectares;
- Rationale: inclusion of land with habitat, technical correction of the boundary.
18 – Kroczycka Ostoja:
- increase in area: +110.65 hectares;
- Rationale: inclusion of land with habitat, technical correction of the boundary.
19th Pepper Mountains:
- increase in area: +12.68 hectares;
- Rationale: correction of the boundary in accordance with the boundaries of the Pepper Mountains reserve.
20. the Romincka Forest:
- increase in area: +900.73 hectares;
- Rationale: inclusion of patches of habitats 3150, 3260, 9170, 91E0, 91D0, 7110 and 7140, as well as mopane habitats.
21 Naterki:
- new area: 19.11 hectares;
- Rationale: protection of the winter colony of the mop-tailed godwit, inclusion of unused tunnels and the adjacent forest complex.
22. Trzebiatowsko-Kolobrzeski Seaside Belt:
- increase in area: +262.20 hectares;
- Justification: compensation of habitat 2180 in connection with the construction of the S3 Świnoujście-Troszyn road, inclusion of patches of habitats 9160 and 91E0 and a fragment of the Rega River.
23 Lower Oder:
- increase in area: +2.01 hectares;
- Rationale: inclusion of the site of the winter colony of the great nightjar along with a buffer zone.
24 Lake Bukovo:
- increase in area: +344.80 hectares;
- Rationale: compensation of habitat 2180 in connection with the construction of the S3 Swinoujscie-Troszyn road and the construction of a container terminal in Swinoujscie, inclusion of habitat patches 2110, 2120, 2130, 2180.
Consultation process
The consultation process involves several key stages: publication of proposals for changes, the opportunity to submit comments and proposals, analysis of the submitted proposals by the GDOŚ, assessment of their validity and compatibility with conservation goals, and development of final recommendations. Once the consultations are completed, the proposals included in the list of changes to the Natura 2000 network are forwarded to the Council of Ministers and then to the European Commission for approval.
The expansion of the Natura 2000 network is important for both nature conservation and sustainable development. Covering additional areas will contribute to increasing biodiversity and improving environmental quality. In addition, the introduction of new protected areas can also support the development of eco-tourism and the creation of new management and conservation jobs. However, it is important to be aware of the changes being made if you are planning an investment that may affect Natura 2000 areas.
Photo. main: sscheema/pixabay