On December 8, 2022. During the UN-Water Groundwater Summit hosted by UNESCO, a new Transboundary Water Cooperation Coalition was formed. The theme of the meeting was groundwater.
This multi-stakeholder partnership of governments, international financial organizations and institutions, regional integration organizations and civil society, and academic institutions will jointly pursue policy, governance, development, technical support, as well as financial goals.
This global coalition will work to emphasize how critical transboundary water cooperation is to the water agenda, water security and sustainable development.
Eric Tardieu, Secretary General, International Network of River Basin Organizations (INBO): “In an uncertain world and with a changing climate, strengthening cooperation in managing the transboundary basins of our lakes, rivers and aquifers is essential to meet our shared goals for water, energy, food and the ecological safeguards on which our societies depend. The Transboundary Water Cooperation is a gas pedal for achieving the Global Sustainable Development Goals!”
The new Transboundary Water Cooperation Coalition aims to strengthen water governance at the bilateral, transboundary, regional and global levels. The venture is expected to benefit the cooperating countries, ensuring fair and efficient use of shared water resources in the name of peaceful coexistence.