Within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy, specifically PS CAP 2023 – 2027 intervention 10.4. (Investments contributing to environmental and climate protection), investments will be supported to improve water management, including the construction, purchase or installation of technical infrastructure elements necessary for water extraction and storage in closed reservoirs. The second area supported under the Common Agricultural Policy will be rainwater management and the construction or purchase of water recycling or water efficiency facilities.
According to information obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the anticipated call for applications is 2024.
Funds under the Common Agricultural Policy – direct payments
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023 – 2027 (CAP PS 2023-2027) in the direct payment system gives the possibility of allocating funds for water retention on permanent grassland (TUZ) under ecoschemes.
The goal is to promote water retention and thus improve water management, as well as reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere (by reducing the decomposition of organic matter).
The condition for receiving the payment is the occurrence of flooding or waterlogging on the TUZ, defined as a state of saturation of the soil profile with water at a level of at least 80% for at least 12 consecutive days between May 1 and September 30. Confirmation of compliance will be based on satellite monitoring.
The payment applies to TUZs that are simultaneously flooded and covered by one of the following subsidies:
- environmental support;
- In the practice of Extensive use of TUZ with stocking rates (in ecoscheme Carbon farming and nutrient management;
- agro-environmental-climate related to the preservation of certain valuable natural habitats and endangered bird species;
- Extensive use of meadows and pastures in Natura 2000 areas.
Such a restriction directs support for water retention on the TUZ to:
- Hydrogenic habitats, especially predestined for retention functions, whose natural condition depends on the presence of water;
- Areas with extensive or ecological production systems, where production opportunities or needs can be relatively easily reconciled with the use of the land for ecosystem services for water retention.
Common Agricultural Policy funds vs. additional “retention payment”
Farmers can also apply for an additional “retention payment” for natural areas that are not farmland in case of flooding or waterlogging under selected variants of Package 4 and 5 of the Agri-environmental and Climate Action of the RDP 2014 – 2020 and selected natural variants of the agri-environmental and climate interventions of the NP of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023 – 2027. The conditions for granting an additional retention payment to natural areas are identical to those for the ecoscheme discussed earlier (80% saturation of the soil profile for 12 days between May and September).
Land consolidation with post-placement development
Within the framework of PS CAP 2023 – 2027, specifically Intervention 10.8. Land consolidation with post-agricultural development, it is envisaged to implement projects that will contribute to the improvement of land distribution and, consequently, to increase the competitiveness of Polish agriculture through the implementation of investments consisting in the construction or modernization of access roads to agricultural and forest land and water facilities to increase retention. For the intervention in question, in selecting operations for implementation, bonus criteria were planned for implementation, among others. Investments that contribute to increasing water retention on agricultural land or investments that include solutions aimed at protecting nature and the environment.
The first type is work involving the creation or restoration of mid-field ponds and wetlands and small water reservoirs, and the second is the preservation of sodded slopes and the preservation or designation of protective strips in the nature of shrubbery or mid-field trees, the designation of a field-forest boundary or buffer zone.
According to information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the anticipated call for applications is 2024.
Infrastructure in rural areas and implementation of the concept of smart villages
Within the framework of the PS of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023 – 2027, intervention 10.10. Infrastructure in rural areas and the implementation of the concept of smart villages, two areas of support are envisaged:
- Area A – Investments in individual wastewater treatment systems;
- Area B – Smart Village.
In Area B, realizations concerning the implementation of selected elements of the smart villages concept will be supported. These are infrastructure projects that will seek to improve people’s quality of life, reduce unfavorable demographic trends, increase the quality of public services, respect the natural environment, increase employment and digital inclusion in a bottom-up, comprehensive and innovative way. In particular, it is planned to support activities that respond to the diagnosed needs of local communities and involve their resources. Under this intervention, preference will be given in particular to investments in modern infrastructure, including that for climate change adaptation and environmental protection (e.g., through the construction of renewable energy installations, retention tanks and passive construction).
According to information obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the anticipated call for applications is 2024.
Support under the Rural Development Program 2014 – 2020.
It is still possible to obtain funds under the Rural Development Program 2014 – 2020 from the following support instruments:
- Investments to protect waters from nitrate pollution from agricultural sources, mainly from livestock production.
The aim of the measure is to reduce nitrate pollution of water from livestock production.
The investment support is also intended to help farms comply with the nitrate program’s storage requirements for natural fertilizer and succulent feed, and will allow farms to retrofit equipment for precision fertilization.
Eligible costs include the cost of constructing, reconstructing or purchasing tanks for storing liquid natural fertilizer, slabs for storing solid natural fertilizer, tanks or slabs for storing succulent feed, and the cost of purchasing new machinery and equipment for applying natural fertilizer.
According to information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the anticipated call for applications is September/October 2023.
- Water resources management
The support is aimed at increasing retention capacity and countering floods and drought in agricultural catchments. Funding can be obtained for the construction, reconstruction or repair of water facilities or hydraulic structures on natural or artificial watercourses, as well as the construction or reconstruction of open retention reservoirs for the collection of rainwater or snowmelt, groundwater or flowing water.
Funding can be obtained from the State Water Company Wody Polskie and municipalities.
The maximum amount of aid is PLN 10 million per operation in the case of PGW WP and 500 thousand. PLN per operation in the case of municipalities. The maximum amount of support is 165 million euros.
The sub-measure is implemented by the provincial governments, which will determine the dates for the call for applications.
According to information obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the planned intake is the end of the third quarter of 2023.
For more on support under the Common Agricultural Policy, see our previous articles:“Calls under the CAP SP 2023 – 2027” and“You can apply for funds under the RDP 2014 – 2020 and CAP SP 2023 – 2027.”