Spring is coming, the air temperature is rising, and vegetation is slowly sprouting in the waters. We generally like this kind of aura. But this year, all hydrophiles and watermen with fresh memories of the summer environmental disaster in the Oder River are looking at the river with concern. The salinity of the Oder River, in some sections, is still high, and the algae from the river has not evaporated and continues to live there. Will the disaster happen again?
This we do not know. No one responsibly and with certainty can answer this question. Scientists in countries that have experienced similar events (though perhaps on a smaller scale) have been unable for 60 years to answer many questions and clearly determine when toxic blooms occur and when they do not. Nevertheless, environmental conditions in the Oder River make a repeat of the tragic scenario very likely.
In order to better understand the mechanisms of undesirable phenomena and try to effectively prevent them or at least minimize the damage, knowledge is essential. And it is for this purpose that the Institute of Environmental Protection-State Research Institute is organizing an international scientific conference at its headquarters in Warsaw entitled. “Harmful blooms of Prymnesium parvum in freshwaters – consequences and mitigation measures“. The event, which is scheduled for the last day of March, is dedicated to issues related to the environmental disaster in the Oder River from the summer of 2022. The main idea of the conference is to bring together scientists and experts who have experience in the problems of toxic blooms of “golden algae” and create an opportunity to exchange knowledge, experience and insights. They will serve as a basis and support for further efforts to effectively protect water.
The conference will be conducted in Polish with simultaneous translation into English. The event will be covered live online. Registration for the conference through the organizer’s website is open.