Category Archives: Issue 10/2024
Sea turtles have nothing to celebrate today
World Turtle Day, celebrated on May 23, is the perfect opportunity to learn more about [...]
International Biodiversity Day
Biodiversity (biodiversity) is essential for maintaining ecological balance. It includes genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. [...]
NIP supports water-related activities in rural areas
The National Plan for Reconstruction and Resilience Enhancement (NIP) sets goals for rebuilding and building [...]
World Bee Day: a reminder of their irreplaceable role
Today is World Bee Day to highlight their hard-to-evaluate importance in the global ecosystem and [...]
Poland’s first nuclear power plant: geological surveys begin
Nearly 25 years after work on Poland's first nuclear power plant, specifically in Żarnowiec, was [...]
The end of the era of glaciers in Venezuela
Venezuela, a country of great natural diversity and picturesque landscapes, has just lost all its [...]
Safe Vistula – greening the future – new flood prevention program
In 2010. Sandomierz experienced dramatic flooding, during which a levee on the Vistula broke and [...]
Oil discovery in British Antarctic Territory raises concerns among environmentalists
Russia's announcement of the discovery of significant oil and gas resources in the British Antarctic [...]
Siemianowice landfill fire poisons rivers in Silesia
Over the past weekend, the Brynica River changed beyond recognition - reddish water with an [...]
Nature Restoration Law: a defining moment for nature conservation in Europe
This morning, environment ministers from 11 European Union countries sent an open letter to countries [...]