One of the main goals of the EU’s Biodiversity and Farm-to-Table strategies is to increase the share of organic farming acreage, which should average 25% of all agricultural land by 2030, according to the EU-wide target.
One of the measures in the CAP Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027, aimed at developing organic farming, is area support for organic farming. Under this measure, aid will be given to the area of various groups of crops, i.e.: agricultural, vegetable, herbaceous, basic and extensive orchard, berry, forage and TUZ, provided that they are carried out in accordance with the principles of organic farming during and after the conversion period.
Farmers making voluntary commitments to maintain or convert to organic farming practices and methods, as defined by EU and national legislation, will be supervised by a certification body under the organic farming inspection and certification system. Commitments under the Organic Agriculture intervention cover a period of 5 years.
Requirements for interventions:
- Basic condition – carrying out agricultural production in accordance with regulations set forth, among others. in EP and Council Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and the Organic Agriculture Act;
- The obligation of organic production and the appropriate destination of the harvest;
- Cultivation of plant species specified in national regulations;
- having a minimum stocking rate – in the case of payments for forage crops on arable land and permanent grassland;
- Having animals at a density of 0.5-1.5 LU per hectare of UR – in the case of a premium for sustainable crop-animal production;
- Preservation of permanent grassland (not applicable to the Small Farms with Organic Crops package);
- Having an environmental activity plan;
- For primary and extensive orchard and berry crops:
- cultivation of species in the fruiting period, and in the case of crops that are not in the fruiting period – confirmation that planting material of appropriate quality was used to establish these crops;
- Maintaining the minimum stocking rate for individual plant species with a tolerance of up to 10%;
- Performing annual cultivation and maintenance operations on the plantation.
Organic payments will be granted according to the area (hectares) of organically grown crops (i.e. crops in conversion or already organic). Payments were counted on the basis of costs incurred and income foregone, related to the implementation of the requirements specified for the intervention. Payments during the conversion period, under the five-year commitment, are entitled for no more than the first 3 years of the commitment.
Payment rates proposed starting in 2023. are differentiated by crop group and conversion/post-conversion periods and are on average 35% higher compared to 2021 rates. (and by an average of 84% relative to 2015 rates). The intervention will apply degressivity of payments.
Organic payments will be granted in the amount of:
- 100% of the base rate – for an area from 0.10 hectares to 50 hectares;
- 75% of the base rate – for an area of more than 50 hectares to 100 hectares;
- 60% of the base rate – for an area of more than 100 hectares.
Estimated payment rates for Organic Agriculture interventions.
estimated payment rates [zł/ha] |
during the conversion period |
after the conversion period |
during the conversion period with a premium |
after the conversion period with a premium |
agricultural crops |
1 697 |
1 571 |
2 270 |
2 144 |
vegetable crops |
3 021 |
2 391 |
3 594 |
2 964 |
herb crops |
1 856 |
2 429 |
fodder crops on GO |
1 638 |
1 504 |
2 211 |
2 077 |
1 043 |
1 616 |
basic orchard crops |
3 105 |
1 961 |
3 678 |
2 534 |
berry crops |
2 495 |
2 213 |
3 068 |
2 786 |
extensive fruit growing |
1 326 |
1 899 |
small farms with organic crops |
1 640 |
2 213 |
premium for sustainable crop-animal production |
573 |
– |