Tag Archives: desalination of water
Elon Musk speaks in favor of desalination at World Water Forum
From May 18 to 25 this year. 10 was held in Bali. World Water Forum [...]
Seawater desalination. Does it make sense in Poland?
Poland, like many other countries, is increasingly facing water shortages. Due to insufficient retention, abundant [...]
Seawater desalination – a giant project in the United Arab Emirates
On October 3, 2023. A landmark agreement was signed in Dubai between the United Arab [...]
Barcelona bets on water desalination to mitigate drought
Desalination of water in Barcelona takes place, among other things. At the Llobregat plant, which, [...]
From salt water to fresh water. Experiment showing that nanostructures can improve water desalination process
More than 60% of the Earth's people face severe water shortages. Desalination of seawater for [...]