Tag Archives: fee
Will the price of water in Poland increase?
Changes are being made to the way water tariffs are set. However, not everyone is [...]
The Oder River Revitalization Act – it was supposed to be better, and how did it turn out?
The Law on Revitalization of the Oder River, dated July 13, 2023, all references and [...]
Law on revitalization of the Oder River published
The Law on Revitalization of the Oder River, after more than two months, lived to [...]
Where does the price of water come from?
The preamble to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, establishing a [...]
Fee in the Water Law – what we should pay for and when
Any charges in the Water Law are nothing new. In the current law, they function [...]
Discounts for seniors in some fisheries
Wody Polskie has introduced discounts for pensioners in the fisheries it administers. As we read [...]
14 days to file a water service charge complaint
It is customary at the beginning of the year for the Water Authority to begin [...]