Tag Archives: FEnIKS
The national fund for environmental protection and water management (NFOŚiGW) will allocate over 1.2 billion PLN for water investments
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) has launched calls for projects [...]
End of the first call for FEnIKS for the implementation of MPAs under the FENX.1.2 measure
Time is slowly running out for submitting applications for investment funding under the FEnIKS program, [...]
FEnIKS 2.5 Drinking water – NFOŚiGW announces call for projects
FEnIKS (European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027) is a program aimed at building efficient, [...]
Green infrastructure in small cities – PLN 140 million to de-concentrate cities
Cities of up to 50,000. residents will receive up to 2 million zlotys in funding [...]
First calls for proposals – European Funds 2021 – 2027
There are 16 regional programs in Poland, which are managed at the level of individual [...]
Funds for MPAs in the FEnIKS Program.
Climate risks in cities are different from those in non-urbanized areas and therefore climate change [...]