Tag Archives: KE
First ministerial-level global forum on trade, climate and sustainable development issues
On January 19, 2023. The European Commission, member states and 26 partner countries have inaugurated [...]
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on draft guidelines for the preparation of sustainable development agreements in the agricultural sector
From January 10 to April 24, 2023. The European Commission is holding a public consultation [...]
EC Communication on the 2022 Environmental Policy Implementation Review. Reversing the trend by complying with environmental laws
In 2016. The European Commission has pledged to report regularly on the state of implementation [...]
Public consultations on the wastewater directive come to an end
A review of various environmental policies is underway in the European Union. These measures, on [...]
European Commission proposes certification of carbon dioxide removal to help achieve net zero emissions
European Commission on November 30, 2022. adopted a proposal for the first EU-wide voluntary framework [...]