Tag Archives: municipal sewage
Treating wastewater and reducing emissions – green solutions needed
How to save more than $15.6 billion in 40 years. And avoid nearly 30 million [...]
Increases are coming. Water and sewage tariffs will increase
Faced with rising operating costs and the need to modernize infrastructure, residents of many Polish [...]
European Parliament and the new Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive
On April 10, 2024. The European Parliament has approved amendments to regulations on the collection, [...]
Municipal wastewater – Council and Parliament agreement on treatment and monitoring
On Monday, January 29, the European Parliament and the European Council came to an agreement [...]
Wastewater directive voted down in the European Parliament
Late last week, the European Parliament, as part of its October meeting, voted to adopt [...]
Amendment of the regulation on the conditions for introduction of wastewater
Public consultations have just been held on a draft decree of the Minister of Infrastructure, [...]
Wastewater treatment plants were inspected. GIOŚ report for 427 sites
The Chief Environmental Inspector has approved a report on inspections of wastewater treatment plants carried [...]
Micropollutants in wastewater – low concentrations of great importance
Currently, there are more than 350,000. registered chemicals and their mixtures, which are used in [...]
Sewage sludge as a fertilizer
Closed-loop economy (GOZ) is an extremely important concept to make us use available natural resources [...]
Wastewater – a cosmic idea of the British to monitor pollution
Untreated wastewater continues to be discharged into the environment in many countries. Unfortunately, the situation [...]
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