Tag Archives: rainwater
Water in the city – rainwater and its in situ management in blue-green infrastructure
There is no more glaring evidence of climate change than that associated with changes in [...]
What’s next for the My Water program? – we have information from the National Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund
The third edition of the My Water micro-retention project grant program has already ended. We [...]
Small retention in your garden
Only until the end of June 2024. The 3rd edition of the My Water program [...]
VIII edition of Stormwater Poland 2024 – innovations and solutions in rainwater management
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the eighth edition of the Stormwater [...]
“My Water” program – the call for applications is still ongoing. A total of more than PLN 143 million has already been paid out
The 3rd edition of the "My Water" program is underway, in which single-family homeowners can [...]
Rainwater capture and management – from concept to implementation
One of our readers, Mr. Franciszek from Kędzierzyn-Koźle, boasted in the pages of Water Matters [...]
My Water 2023 Program. Call for applications is underway
The third edition of the "My Water" program has been launched. Single-family homeowners can receive [...]
Is microplastic a threat to the efficiency of wastewater treatment technology?
Microplastics are small plastic particles, less than 5 mm in size, that have a significant [...]
Rainwater – changing thinking about rainwater
Rainwater, freely soaking into the ground, is an important part of flood control and drought [...]