Tag Archives: water
Strengthen and expand CO2 emissions trading and establish a Social Climate Fund
In order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, in line with the European Green Deal, [...]
Increased limit for investments to protect waters from nitrate pollution from agricultural sources – next call for applications starts in February
Under the operation "Investments to protect waters from nitrate pollution from agricultural sources," specifically the [...]
Water management plans already being published
The publication of Water Management Plans is underway. The first document, the Dniester River Basin [...]
Winter snow shortages a challenge for agricultural production
Snowy and cold winter - is it a thing of the past? Winters of the [...]
Does water life die out under the ice in winter?
Are you familiar with the theme from a children's book or cartoon depicting an angler [...]
The series “About Water in the Profession”
About water, as a substance, probably everything has been written. Dozens, hundreds, and probably thousands [...]
Can water shut down the Internet?
At first glance, the Internet and water don't have much in common. Alternatively, they can [...]
Integrated water, energy and food projects adopted by Southern African Development Community member states
During the symposium, held on October 19-21, 2022. at the Sun City Resort in South [...]