What support, under the RDP 2014 – 2020, can be applied for in 2023?
In 2023, as part of the concluding Rural Development Program 2014 – 2020 (RDP 2014 – 2020), calls for support are planned for, among other things:
- A new RDP 2014 – 2020 instrument called “Water Resources Management.” The support is for investments related to increasing retention capacity and counteracting floods and drought in agricultural catchments – the date of the call will be announced on the websites of the provincial governments.
- Agri-environmental-climate measure – organic farming, payments for areas with natural or other specific limitations (LFAs) – until June 30, 2023. (The application can be submitted until July 25, 2023, with a 1% reduction in the payment due for each working day of delay from July 1, 2023).
- Afforestation and afforestation land creation – care bonus and afforestation bonus – call deadline June 30, 2023.
- Investments to protect waters from pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources – applies to operations that allow farms (keeping livestock below 210 livestock units (LU)) to comply with the requirements set forth in the nitrate program in terms of area/capacity of places for storing natural fertilizers and succulent feed, as well as for retrofitting farms with equipment for applying natural fertilizers – call date September/October 2023.
- Modernization of farms, area D – rationalization of technology, introduction of innovations, changing the profile and increasing the scale of production, improving the quality of production or increasing the added value of the product – support applies to operations that contribute to improving the competitiveness and increasing the profitability of the farm – call deadline from June 5 to July 5, 2023.
What payments can be applied for under the PS CAP 2023 – 2027?
As of March 15 this year, applications for direct payments and area payments from Pillar II of the PS CAP 2023 – 2027 can be submitted under the first call for applications.
In 2023, you can apply for subsidies on:
- Agri-environmental and climate payments (new commitments under CAP 2023 – 2027), including: payment for water retention in natural areas and the allocation of transaction costs under interventions 1, 2 or 5.
- agri-environmental and climate payments (continuation obligations under RDP 2014 – 2020), including the allocation of transaction costs under package 4, 5 or 6.
- organic payments (new obligations under CAP 2023 – 2027), including: small farms with organic crops, the premium for sustainable crop-animal production and the allocation of transaction costs.
- organic payments (continuation obligations under RDP 2014 – 2020), including: premium for sustainable crop-animal production and allocation of transaction costs.
- The first care and afforestation bonus to land with natural succession (CAP 2023 – 2027).
- Payments for areas with natural or other special constraints (LFAs).
- Intervention payments in the form of direct payments, including: basic income support, redistribution payment, payment for young farmers, payments for the implementation of ecoschemes, income support related to the rearing of cows, cattle, sheep and goats, as well as the cultivation of sugar beets, hops, flax, fiber hemp, tomatoes, strawberries, starch potatoes, fodder crops, legumes for seed.
- Transitional national support payments, including: a supplementary basic payment and a non-tobacco payment.
Remember your obligations – conditionality under the PS CAP 2023 – 2027
A fundamental and mandatory element of direct payments is conditionality, within which environmental and climate issues play a large role. It is a combination of existing greening and cross-compliance requirements, which include:
- GAEC standards for good agricultural practices consistent with environmental protection;
- Basic management requirements – SMRs.
Receipt of full support is contingent on beneficiaries’ compliance with GAEC standards and SMRs (analogous to previous cross-compliance). For failing to comply with them, the payment amount may be reduced by 3%.
GAEC and SMR also apply to water
In connection with Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 2, 2021. laying down provisions on support for strategic plans drawn up by Member States under the common agricultural policy (CAP strategic plans), financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Regulations (EU) No 1305/2013 and (EU) No 1307/2013, PS CAP 2023 – 2027 indicates the following water-related GAECs and SMRs:
- GAEC 2: Peatland and Wetland Conservation;
- GAEC Standard 4: Establish buffer zones along watercourses;
- New SMR 1: Water Framework Directive;
- SMR 2: Protect waters from pollution caused by nitrates of agricultural origin.
We will write in more detail about GAEC standards and SMRs in future issues of our newspaper.
For more information on PS CAP 2023 – 2027 and how to apply, visit the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Agency for the Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture.