As of August 30, 2023, the call for applications for the intervention of the Young Farmers’ Premium under the Strategic Plan for the Free Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 will begin. The aid is granted in the form of a lump sum payment (premium) in the amount of PLN 200 thousand, paid in two installments:
- The first installment is 70% of the amount of aid granted, i.e. 140,000. PLN,
- The second is 30% of the amount, i.e. 60,000. PLN.
The funding limit for the call is PLN 811 million.
Scope of intervention Premium for young farmers
As envisaged, aid under the intervention Young Farmers’ Premium is granted for the start-up and development of agricultural activities by young farmers in the production of unprocessed agricultural products or preparation for sale of farm-produced and unprocessed agricultural products. The intervention will support investments in fixed and intangible assets made after the application for assistance.
Investments in fixed and intangible assets primarily include the following categories:
- construction investments related to buildings or structures used to produce unprocessed agricultural products or prepare them for sale;
- Purchase of agricultural property;
- purchase of a core herd of livestock;
- Investments in permanent plantings in orchards and perennial plantations;
- Purchase of new machinery, equipment, furnishings, equipment, including computer equipment, vehicles to support the production of unprocessed agricultural products or to prepare them for sale;
- Purchase of intangible assets to support the production of unprocessed agricultural products or to prepare them for sale, with an expected economic useful life of more than 1 year (computer programs, among others).
Requirements for the granting of aid under the intervention Young Farmers’ Premium
Applications for assistance may be submitted by individuals who:
- are at least 18 years of age on the date of application, but not more than 40 years of age (not completed 41);
- started farming no earlier than 24 months before the date of application or have not yet started farming;
- have an identification number assigned in accordance with the provisions of the national system of producer records, farm records and records of applications for payment;
- have adequate professional qualifications or skills useful for conducting agricultural activities on the farm as a manager, or undertake to supplement them, excluding seniority, within 3 years from the date of payment of the first installment of aid and begin to supplement their qualifications (education), no later than 12 months from the date of granting the aid;
- have submitted a business plan that meets the conditions specified in the Rules of Procedure for Call for Proposals and will commit to implement it within a period of no more than 3 full calendar years following the starting year, regardless of the date of the agreement.
Aid is granted only once per person and per farm indicated in the business plan for the starting and target year, except in cases of land exchange, death of the previous beneficiary, cancellation of aid or return of 100% of the amount paid.
Detailed information on the call for applications under the intervention Premium for young farmers
Applications for aid can be submitted from August 30, 2023 to September 29, 2023, only electronically via the Agency’s ICT system, through the ARMA’s Platform for Electronic Services (PUE).
Detailed conditions for granting assistance under intervention I.11 Premiums for young farmers are defined by the “Regulations for the call for applications for aid under the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 for intervention I.11. Premiums for Young Farmers.”
You can read more about on-farm investments in RES and energy efficiency improvements under the Common Agricultural Policy 2023 – 2027 in our article“On-farm investments in RES and energy efficiency improvements under the CAP 2023 – 2027.”