Author Archives: Agnieszka Kolada
Very good Mr. Beaver! That is, why we need environmental engineers
I was inspired to write about beavers by the text about keystone (keystone) species and [...]
Prescription for protective areas of inland water reservoirs – a monograph for theoreticians and practitioners
When we talk about surface water, most of us think: rivers, as if forgetting that [...]
Clean water, or what kind of water?
We often hear that we need clean water to live, that access to good quality [...]
What new things did we learn about golden algae at the Conference at IOŚ-PIB?
On the last day of March, the Institute of Environmental Protection-State Research Institute held a [...]
Re-wetting peatlands does not restore all their functions. But it’s still worth it!
The canonical phrase of the Hippocratic Oath, "Prevention is better than cure," although formulated nearly [...]
The dark side of light, or undesirable ALAN
"Mehr Licht!" allegedly exclaimed Goethe on the last day of his life, almost exactly 191 [...]
When fresh water is salty, or the answer to a not stupid question
Readers whose childhood and early adolescence coincided with the late 1980s may remember the booklets [...]
Water through the eyes of a hydrobiologist
I will begin my column about water in the eyes of a hydrobiologist with a [...]
Eutrophication, or biogenes untamed
So much has already been written about eutrophication that without getting into the details and [...]
Blood on snow, or snow algae blooms
All children know that snow, at least until it falls on the ground, is white. [...]