Category Archives: Onet
Will invasive species conquer our waters, or IGOs on the offensive
All watermen (and non-watermen) have been following the situation in the Oder River for a [...]
Flooding – do we learn by experience?
While it has been a long time since we experienced the tragedy that the Emilia-Romagna [...]
The amount of water is decreasing in more than 50% of the world’s lakes. Satellites reveal the scale of the phenomenon
Lakes, also known as the "eyes of the Earth," are one of the most beautiful [...]
Augustow Canal – the bicentennial of the start of construction
The year 2023 marks the bicentennial of the start of construction of the Augustow Canal. [...]
World Environment Day 2023
The claim that the world is drowning in plastic is neither new nor surprising. Every [...]
Climate change and the growing risk of conflicts
In recent years, we have witnessed an increasing number of violent events around the world [...]
Geothermal in Poland: Potential and challenges of geothermal energy development in the heating industry
Geothermal, or the use of thermal energy stored deep in the Earth, is one of [...]
Ephemeral streams and periodic rivers – is this the future for our rivers?
February 2018. Local media circulated information about the appearance in the village of Kaczory (Wielkopolska [...]
Impact of growing water crisis on migratory birds
Migratory birds are fascinating travelers that travel hundreds or even thousands of kilometers each year, [...]
Water company, or when “nobody’s” has a manager
According to the Water Law, maintenance of land reclamation facilities is the responsibility of the [...]