Category Archives: Science
Deep in the dark – how do you live where the sun doesn’t reach?
December is the darkest month of the year in our latitude. We look forward to [...]
Aquatic publication review (6)
With the global increase in human pressure on Earth's systems, it's hardly surprising that many [...]
Precipitation – the variety of phenomena in Poland
Poland lies in a temperate warm transitional climate with a predominantly maritime type in the [...]
Rivers as potential macroplastic shredders
In an October issue of Water Matters, we featured a newly published article by Polish [...]
Aquatic publication review
We begin our current review of the water literature with a series of papers on [...]
New taxonomy of cyanobacteria, or how not to get lost in the systematic jungle
The last quarter century has seen major changes in algal taxonomy, both at the level [...]
How much snow is on the summit of Mount Everest? And why is that not enough anyway?
For decades, mountaineers and researchers have used every tool available, from wooden stakes to radar, [...]
Aquatic publication review
The period of autumn cold and the first frosts means that we are not always [...]
Extinct fish and cetacean species – losses in recent years
November, a time of mourning and remembrance of the dead common to many cultures, is [...]
Flights in autumn and winter weather conditions
September and early October this year resembled late summer more than autumn gray. However, for [...]