Tag Archives: CO2 emissions
Climate change – what do the scientific reports of COP28 say?
Climate change is a fact of life, and its intensifying effects are being felt acutely [...]
Innovation fund – €4 billion for decarbonizing technologies
As part of the Innovation Fund, the European Commission has announced a record €4 billion [...]
The COP28 climate summit in Dubai has begun. There are already first decisions
For the next few days, the world's attention will be focused on the United Arab [...]
Climate-neutral cities
Climate-neutral cities are the goal of one of five EU missions under Horizon Europe. This [...]
Mass tree planting may be ineffective in climate change context
Measures to halt climate change and reduce its effects include not only efforts to reduce [...]
Drought in the Amazon – (un)expected phenomenon ravages rainforests
Brazil is one of the areas hard hit by climate change. The northern part of [...]
CBAM – a mechanism for adjusting border prices with CO2 emissions in mind
CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) (https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism_pl?etrans=pl) is the EU's CO2-price adjustment mechanism. It serves to [...]
Earth Overload Day – since August 2, we have been living on credit
Currently, our planet is inhabited by nearly 8 billion people. Unfortunately, the rate at which [...]
Can flying after birds be unethical? Low-Carbon Birding as a New Trend in Ornithological Tourism
Can communing with nature be more humane and environmentally friendly than bloodless hunting with binoculars [...]
Captura Corporation intends to remove carbon dioxide from the ocean
The ocean is one of the three natural sinks of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere [...]