Tag Archives: rivers
Piotr Bednarek on the challenges facing Polish water management
This article needs a few words of introduction, as its publication was not so obvious. [...]
Orange waters of Alaska’s rivers – is climate change to blame?
In remote, economically undeveloped regions of Arctic Alaska, where streams and rivers usually offer crystal [...]
Aquatic publication review (9)
The year 2024 is expected to be unique in many ways. There are a lot [...]
More than 30 countries take on the Freshwater Challenge to collectively restore freshwater ecosystems
In recent years, the pace of global efforts to curb climate change has been increasing. [...]
Rivers as potential macroplastic shredders
In an October issue of Water Matters, we featured a newly published article by Polish [...]
Coalition agreement announced – there is a provision for water
In recent days, a coalition agreement was published - a document confirming the agreement between [...]
EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 – renaturalization of 25,000. km of rivers
Due to the deteriorating state of ecosystems, the European Union is placing great emphasis on [...]
The economic value of water in the world – estimates and risks
On October 16, we celebrated World Food Day. On this occasion, the WWF published an [...]
Aquatic publication review
The current review of the aquatic literature probably cannot begin other than with a native [...]
The longest rivers in the world
Rivers are important ecosystems that provide not only a valuable source of water and habitat [...]