Tag Archives: threat
Another disastrous summer in Greece
Extremely high temperatures and a prolonged lack of rainfall in Greece are taking an increasingly [...]
Hot weather dangerous for moms-to-be
It is well known that climate change and the associated prolonged periods of hot weather [...]
Raging cyclones and hurricanes. Casualties and massive destruction
Hurricane Beryl, historically the earliest category five storm in the Atlantic, swept through the Caribbean [...]
How does heat kill? Hot weather overloads brain, heart and other internal organs
June 29 marks International Day of the Tropics, which is meant to draw attention to [...]
World Rainforest Day: why protect them?
Although rainforests may seem like a remote and exotic corner of the world, they actually [...]
Extreme heat in Greece: threat to tourists’ lives
The calendar summer has not yet begun in earnest, and the heat in Greece is [...]
Migratory and seabird populations are declining due to climate change
Two independent studies published in June this year. by scientists from the United States and [...]
EU prepares for 2024 fire season.
More than half a million hectares of the continent's land burned last year, according to [...]
Coral reefs: why are they so important?
Coral reefs, which are among the oldest ecosystems on Earth, appeared nearly 500 million years [...]
Siemianowice landfill fire poisons rivers in Silesia
Over the past weekend, the Brynica River changed beyond recognition - reddish water with an [...]