Author Archives: Agnieszka Kolada
Aquatic publication review
The current review of the aquatic literature probably cannot begin other than with a native [...]
Alexander von Humboldt – a naturalist and visionary who was ahead of his time. Biography review
I must admit that I am not fond of biographies and rarely reach for them. [...]
Aquatic publication review
1. Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries Richardson K., Steffen W., Lucht W. et [...]
First aquatic literature review
With the end of the vacation and vacation period and the entry into a new [...]
Are our lakes clean or dirty? Status of lakes in Poland based on monitoring data
The holiday season is almost over. Some watermen spent it at the seaside, keeping a [...]
The hydrological cycle in the era of the Anthropocene – does the water cycle scheme need revision?
"The rain glistened on rooftops and turrets, not realizing what a swarming, hateful world it [...]
Human-induced water stress modifies ecological functioning of watercourses
In many parts of the world, especially where water is scarce, watercourses are being intensively [...]
Can flying after birds be unethical? Low-Carbon Birding as a New Trend in Ornithological Tourism
Can communing with nature be more humane and environmentally friendly than bloodless hunting with binoculars [...]
Will invasive species conquer our waters, or IGOs on the offensive
All watermen (and non-watermen) have been following the situation in the Oder River for a [...]
Ephemeral streams and periodic rivers – is this the future for our rivers?
February 2018. Local media circulated information about the appearance in the village of Kaczory (Wielkopolska [...]