Author Archives: Karol Kucharski
As part of a modernization fund to accelerate the clean energy transition to Poland in 2022. 643.2 million euros were hit.
The modernization fund supports: investments in renewable energy generation and use, energy efficiency, energy storage, [...]
Increased limit for investments to protect waters from nitrate pollution from agricultural sources – next call for applications starts in February
Under the operation "Investments to protect waters from nitrate pollution from agricultural sources," specifically the [...]
European Commission proposes certification of carbon dioxide removal to help achieve net zero emissions
European Commission on November 30, 2022. adopted a proposal for the first EU-wide voluntary framework [...]
On-farm investments in RES and energy efficiency improvements under CAP 2023 – 2027
Given the current situation of rising electricity prices, farmers are increasingly looking for alternative energy [...]
Current status of the regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products
The European Green Deal aims to reduce both the use of chemical pesticides and the [...]