Author Archives: Karol Kucharski
Agriculture 4.0 support
From November 15 to December 15, 2023. (or until funds are exhausted) will be available [...]
Climate-neutral cities
Climate-neutral cities are the goal of one of five EU missions under Horizon Europe. This [...]
Glyphosate – no decision on extending the use of the compound
Glyphosate is an organic chemical compound from the phosphonate group, which is the active ingredient [...]
“Our Baltic” conference – contemporary problems stem from history
On September 29, 2023. A conference of ministers of environment, maritime affairs, agriculture and fisheries [...]
European red book of marine fish published
The European Red List of Marine Fishes was prepared by the IUCN (International Union for [...]
Ammonia production based on green hydrogen
Does green hydrogen have a chance to displace traditional ammonia production methods? Currently, the most [...]
Renewable energy and fertilizer production
Fertilizer production based on renewable energy is currently a field under intense development among the [...]
Do soils in Poland need liming?
The share of very acidic and acidic soils in Poland exceeds 40 percent on average. [...]
Law on renewable energy sources – amendment
On August 31, 2023. an amendment to the Law on Renewable Energy Sources and Certain [...]
State of the EU address 2023.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen delivered the annual State [...]