Category Archives: Feedback
Fish in the pond
Ponds can be defined as shallow bodies of standing or flowing water. They can be [...]
Who guards the fish… And anglers from the temptation to catch fish?
Few people know that fish have their own private guard - uniformed and armed. This [...]
Why do seals become aggressive?
Seals at first glance appear to be friendly animals, and their friendly appearance arouses curiosity [...]
What are we stressing to Baltic residents?
What is stress? Starting from one scientific definition, "stress is the process by which environmental [...]
EU taxonomy-a common dictionary of sustainable development
EU taxonomy is a buzzword that is increasingly appearing in the public space in the [...]
I need water – how to make it?
In the past we would have said: find a good wandmaker in the village, and [...]
Your voice counts – about public consultations
What is public consultation? Public consultation is a dialogue between representatives of authorities (local, municipal, [...]
Flooding – what is it and does it threaten me?
There are many definitions and classifications of flooding. While floods vary in scale (local, regional, [...]
Earlier spring fertilization date – how will it work?
The nitrate program, which sets out rules for agricultural management in the country, taking into [...]
Impact of climate change on agriculture
Climate change is a fact of life. They affect most areas of our lives. A [...]