Between 2013 and 2023, Poland’s nature monitoring system, crucial for the protection of biodiversity, was implemented with serious shortcomings, according to a report by the Supreme Audit Office (NIK). Numerous issues were identified in the planning, implementation, and supervision of monitoring tasks, leading to violations of the Nature Protection Act and EU regulations. As a result, many plant, bird, and animal species requiring protection were excluded from observations, despite a significant increase in monitoring costs during this period.
Key issues revealed in the report
NIK, in its analysis of the activities of the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (GIOŚ) and the Ministry of Climate and Environment, highlighted several problems undermining the effectiveness of nature conservation in Poland.
1. Incomplete scope of monitoring
Despite obligations under EU directives, between 2013 and 2023, not all species of community interest were included in monitoring programs.
- From 2013 to 2018, 73 out of 268 bird species and 33 out of 138 other animal species listed in the European Commission’s reference lists were not monitored.
- From 2019 to 2023, 62 bird species and 58 animal species remained excluded from monitoring efforts.
2. Lack of reliable planning
Strategic documents prepared by GIOŚ were vague and lacked essential details:
- They did not specify the species and habitats requiring monitoring.
- Action plans and measurable indicators for assessing goal achievement were absent.
- The full scope of obligations under the Habitats and Birds Directives was not considered, leading to significant gaps in meeting international commitments.
3. Ineffective supervision of contractors
External entities tasked with monitoring often operated without adequate oversight. NIK found that:
- Contracts were misaligned with actual needs and contained loopholes enabling substandard execution of tasks.
- Penalties for delays and improper task execution were not enforced, resulting in financial losses exceeding 1 million PLN.
- Data provided by contractors were accepted despite non-compliance with established methodologies.
4. Surface water monitoring
Evaluating the status of surface water bodies (JCWP) is a key component of nature monitoring. However, the report highlighted significant deficiencies in this area:
- The frequency of water assessments was too low to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of ecological conditions.
- Certain JCWP were omitted from monitoring plans, resulting in a lack of systematic quality assessments.
- Methodological inconsistencies hindered the comparability of results across the country.
These issues threaten the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and complicate effective water resource management.
5. Rising costs and financial inefficiency
Despite numerous shortcomings, spending on nature monitoring more than doubled—from 49.5 million PLN in 2013–2018 to 109.5 million PLN in 2019–2023. GIOŚ failed to utilize data available from other institutions, such as national parks, leading to duplicated efforts and unnecessary expenses.
Consequences of irregularities
The shortcomings in the nature monitoring system have serious implications:
- Threat to biodiversity: The lack of data hampers swift responses to environmental changes and the implementation of protective measures.
- Loss of international credibility: Poland risks sanctions for failing to meet obligations under EU directives.
- Financial losses: Inefficient use of public funds weakens future environmental protection efforts.
NIK recommendations
NIK provided specific recommendations to improve the nature monitoring system:
- Planning reform: Introduce detailed schedules, measurable indicators, and clearly define species and habitats for monitoring.
- Enhanced supervision: Conduct regular quality checks on contractors, enforce contractual penalties, and adhere strictly to established methodologies.
- Spending optimization: Make better use of available data and avoid duplicating efforts to reduce unnecessary costs.
- Increased water monitoring frequency: Conduct regular and thorough assessments of all JCWP in compliance with EU requirements.