Category Archives: Onet
The largest coral reef in the world
The largest coral reef in the world is the Great Barrier Reef, stretching over 2,300. [...]
Extinct fish and cetacean species – losses in recent years
November, a time of mourning and remembrance of the dead common to many cultures, is [...]
The economic value of water in the world – estimates and risks
On October 16, we celebrated World Food Day. On this occasion, the WWF published an [...]
Agriculture 4.0 support
From November 15 to December 15, 2023. (or until funds are exhausted) will be available [...]
Priorities for water. Post-election expectations
Regardless of our sympathies and emotions after the parliamentary elections, regardless of who personally takes [...]
Geothermal heating in the UK-successful use of disused mines
Six months ago, one of Europe's largest projects using water from disused coal mines to [...]
Drought in the Amazon – lowest water levels in at least 121 years
Manaus, the Amazonian capital associated with idyllic images of blue skies and a place where [...]
Flood risk area viewer – new online tool from the European Commission
On October 13, 2023. An overview of areas at risk of flooding within the Union [...]
Flights in autumn and winter weather conditions
September and early October this year resembled late summer more than autumn gray. However, for [...]
Abyss – the planet above the abyss. Tales from the Deep
"Not so long ago, the oceanic depths were considered a gigantic abyss, filled only with [...]