Since 2018, the nitrogen program has been in effect in Poland, with an amendment in 2023 introducing flexible spring application of fertilizers. Its goal is to improve the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer use by plants and reduce environmental pollution, including groundwater contamination. The program allows the application of nitrogen fertilizers from February 1 to the last day of the month, provided that suitable weather conditions are met.
Weather conditions allowing fertilization
The nitrogen program clearly defines the conditions that must be met for fertilization to be possible in February:
- For autumn-sown crops and perennial crops:
The average daily air temperature must be at least 3°C for 5 consecutive days. This applies to winter crops such as wheat, rye, or barley, as well as permanent grasslands (e.g., meadows and pastures) and perennial crops (e.g., orchards, strawberry plantations). - For other crops:
The average daily air temperature must be at least 5°C for 5 consecutive days. This applies to annual crops such as corn, sugar beets, or potatoes.
Why is this important?
At the appropriate temperature, plants can efficiently absorb nitrogen from the soil. If nitrogen fertilizers are applied when the soil is too cold, nutrients may be washed out before the plants can utilize them, leading to financial losses and environmental pollution.
Ban on fertilizer application under unsuitable conditions
Despite the flexibility provided by the nitrogen program, there are clear restrictions on the use of nitrogen fertilizers. Fertilizers must not be applied under the following conditions:
- Frozen soil:
Soil is considered frozen if it remains hard throughout the day and does not thaw even at the surface. Fertilizing under such conditions is prohibited, as plants cannot absorb nutrients, and fertilizers may be washed away with melting ice or snow. - Snow-covered soil:
Fertilizers cannot penetrate the soil when it is covered with snow, and they may be washed away when the snow melts, before plants can utilize them. - Flooded or water-saturated soil:
Excess water on the soil surface or waterlogged soil prevents plants from effectively absorbing fertilizers. Under such conditions, fertilizers are washed out into groundwater and surface water, leading to nutrient loss and environmental pollution.
Weather forecast for february 2025
According to the experimental long-term forecast by IMGW-PIB, the average monthly temperature in February 2025 in Poland may be higher than the long-term average from 1991–2020. Similarly, higher-than-usual precipitation sums are also expected.
Where to check weather conditions?
Farmers do not need to monitor temperatures in their regions themselves. This information will be published by IMGW-PIB.
From February 1 to 28, 2025, the following will be available daily on a specially dedicated website by IMGW-PIB:
- Lists of counties where the average daily air temperature exceeded 3°C and 5°C.
- Updates on current weather forecasts and the possibility of applying nitrogen fertilizers.
If a farm is located in several counties, the start date of fertilization should be adjusted to the weather conditions in the county where the larger part of the farm area is located.