Water prices in Poland were blocked earlier this year by the regulator, Wody Polskie. The water utility has raised alarms about its dire financial situation due to its inability to raise fees. They have halted investments and reduced renovations to the bare minimum. Most of the spring requests for changes in water and sewage collection tariffs did not meet with the approval of the Water Authority. They refused to shorten the tariff period. Will that change now? On November 9, Wody Polskie decided to shorten the existing tariff for Katowice.
New water and sewage tariff for Katowice
The new water and wastewater tariff approved by the Water Authority is effective for a three-year period starting November 25. The decision was published on November 17 in the Public Information Bulletin. As the Company’s website reads: Water supply infrastructure is critical infrastructure for maintaining uninterrupted access to potable water, which is one of the cornerstones of a healthy and sustainable society. Our role is particularly important as we begin to analyze the security of water supply and wastewater collection and treatment. Water is one of the most precious resources. Ensuring access to good quality, clean water is our priority, as it is of great importance for the health and well-being of residents – says Stanislaw Krusz, president of Katowice Waterworks S.A..
Water prices – how much will they rise?
Katowice Waterworks stresses that in Katowice, compared to other cities in the agglomeration, almost the lowest tariff has been maintained.
The valorization of fees compared to the previous tariff is:
- PLN 0.94 gross for the price per 1,000 l (1m3) of water;
- PLN 0.59 gross for the price per 1,000 l (1m3) of wastewater discharged.
Total: PLN 1.53 gross
Subscription fee rates have not changed.
What does this mean for residents? On average, a family of four uses about 10m3 of water per month and discharges the same amount of wastewater. This means that the adjustment will change her bill by PLN 15.30 gross per month.
The prices, which took effect on November 25 of this year, are:
- PLN 7.31 gross per 1,000 l (1m3) of water, or PLN 0.00731 per liter of water;
- PLN 9.74 gross per 1,000 l (1m3) of wastewater discharged.
Total: PLN 17.05 gross
Source of calculations: Katowickie Wodociągi S.A.
In comparison, at the request of MPWiK in Myslowice, the Water Authority approved a new water and wastewater tariff earlier this year, thereby shortening the previous tariff period to January 20. Myslowice residents currently pay PLN 9.47 for taking 1m3 of water, and PLN 12.99 for discharging 1m3 of sewage.
New tariff for water and sewage – grounds for change
The rationale for the changes in the existing water and sewage rates is the increase in the purchase price of water and utilities – electricity, heat and gas. Katowice Waterworks is only an intermediary – it has no intakes of its own. Katowice is supplied by the largest potentate in the agglomeration in this regard – Górnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów S.A. (GPW).
The company says the WSE has raised prices by 32 percent since January 1 of this year. It also states how much it has been burdened by the increase in electricity prices, calculating that in May 2021, when the existing tariff was calculated, the price for electricity was 279.50 PLN/MWh. In October 2021, when the tariff went into effect, the price was already 456 PLN/MWh. In Q1, Q2 and Q3 of 2023, it was 785 PLN/MWh. Perhaps after the launch of the photovoltaic farm announced by Katowice Waterworks, the cost of energy will not have such a fundamental impact on the increase in the price of water and sewer services.
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