Could ice-cold water be the key to health and better well-being? In an interview with Agnieszka Hobot, physician and practitioner Dr. n. med. Jan Czarnecki reveals the secrets of walruses – from biochemical changes in the body to psychological benefits that surprise even skeptics. Learn how to get started, how to avoid mistakes and get the most out of cold baths.
Agnieszka Hobot: Winter, with its frigid air and snowy landscapes, is not only a time for nature to rest, but also a challenge for our bodies. For some it means avoiding the cold, while for others it is an opportunity to take a dip in icy water. What do you think are the potential health benefits of walruses?
Jan Czarnecki: One of the benefits that I can point out from my own experience is the overall improvement in mood and well-being. I think any walrus will be happy to confirm this. As for scientific reports showing that the benefits outweigh any possible negative effects, there are unfortunately relatively few. There are some studies, particularly from Finland, that show that walrus practitioners experience improved drive, find it easier to get up in the morning, and are more brilliant and have more vital energy. Most of us walruses feel better after such a swim.
There have also been recent reports of a decrease in cortisol, or the stress hormone, after walruses. Studies indicate that about three hours after swimming, its level drops significantly compared to the height before the immersion. However, it should be noted that the study had some limitations – it was not conducted with a control group, which makes it difficult to infer from these observations. Only 12 people took part in the study, which also increases the margin of error. Nonetheless, a significant decrease in cortisol levels appeared three hours after the walruses.
Interestingly, no increase in beta-endorphins was observed, which is quite often emphasized as a key effect of walruses. However, I want to point out that the improvement in well-being does not depend solely on the level of one substance or another. It is a very complex process that cannot be clearly measured or reduced to a specific biochemical indicator.
A.H.: I think many people are afraid of their first attempts at walruses. What abnormal bodily reactions can occur during these initial experiences? Are there any symptoms that should cause concern?
J.C.: People who suffer from cold-induced urticaria can expect an exacerbation of symptoms. Also, people who know they have or assume they may have aneurysms, which are weakened artery walls, should not go walrushing. Rapid increases in blood pressure during cold water immersion can lead to their rupture. The same is true for asthma, especially cold-induced asthma. Increased shortness of breath may require immediate medical attention. Another group that should approach walruses with caution are people with heart rhythm disorders. The heart reacts by accelerating its rhythm during contact with the cold, which is contraindicated in people with cardiac problems.
It is worth noting that although the risk of serious complications is relatively low, anyone planning to go walrushing should consult a doctor beforehand, especially if they suffer from any chronic conditions. Most people feel much better after walruses, but it should be remembered that the body’s reactions are individual and may vary depending on the condition.
A.H.: There is a lot of talk about boosting immunity through walruses. Can you really see changes in metabolism or increased tolerance to other extremes, such as high temperatures, in people who regularly immerse themselves in cold water?
J.C.: I will answer this question based on both my own observations and conversations with people in the walrus community. Indeed, cold tolerance increases significantly, which is extremely satisfying. I often encounter comments like: I’m warm-temperate, so walruses are not for me. I think this attitude can be represented by the statement: I won’t go to the gym because I am weak and I don’t want to lift weights because they are heavy.
Walrus swimming is about confronting a challenge and overcoming one’s own limitations. Entering cold water means getting out of the safe zone, facing strong discomfort, enduring as much as we ourselves deem appropriate, and then calmly exiting the water. This type of challenge can be very helpful for people with low self-esteem, who feel low in their own lives, or who simply have a low tolerance for the cold.
You also asked about the effect of walruses on immunity. We don’t yet have conclusive data confirming this effect, but there are some hypotheses that I share at lectures and workshops. When immersed in cold water, the walrus body changes its response to the cold. Instead of a strong tightening of the vessels, a vasodilation mechanism begins to appear. Frequent infections may be related to the vasoconstriction of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract in response to the cold, in order to keep the body warm. However, it can be assumed that the opposite is happening in walruses – the vessels begin to dilate, which increases blood flow and facilitates contact between immune cells and tissues. This improves immune surveillance, which can lead to greater immunity.
An interesting study that has been done on this issue is one from the UK from about 20 years ago. Participants in a laboratory setting immersed their feet up to their ankles in water at 10°C for 20 minutes. Interestingly, about 10 percent of the participants (out of a total group of 180 people) noticed symptoms of infection after this experiment. This suggests that infection can be triggered not only by contact with external pathogens, but also by activation of pathogens already present in the body. When blood vessels contract for a prolonged period of time, especially in the fall and winter, this can trigger a cold.
A.H.: You mentioned mental well-being and that walruses can support people with lower self-esteem. I think it’s worth encouraging walruses, but how then to properly prepare the body? Does it need to be toughened up, or is it enough to simply put on gloves, a cap and get into the cold water, as some people suggest?
J.C.: Indeed, when talking about walruses, I often focus on mental well-being, which stems from my specialty in which I train, namely psychiatry. Walrusing can have a really positive effect on your well-being, but it’s also worth preparing your body well to avoid unpleasant consequences.
It’s best to start preparing by gradually getting the body used to the cold, such as taking cold showers. If someone has a problem with icy water, they can start with warmer water and lower the temperature at the end. If it’s still a problem, it’s a good idea to start by pouring cold water only on the legs, such as the calves, and gradually increase the area of the body subjected to the cold. The key is to be patient and gradually increase the exposure – the more difficult the process, the smaller the steps you should take. The important thing is – despite the difficulties – to keep moving forward, and the results will come with time. In conclusion, I would recommend before attempting walruses for the first time, daily cold showers for a week – preferably for a minimum of one minute, with completely cold water. This should adequately prepare the body.
As for gloves and a beanie – I’m for yes, but only at the beginning. If one wants to work on one’s cold tolerance and practice gradual exposure, then it is worth aiming to give up these warmers after a while. Initially, they can be helpful, but the higher the tolerance to cold, the more it is worth giving up gloves and dipping hands in cold water, as well as a hat to expose the head.
I personally, as an instructor of the Wim Hof method, enter the cold water without any additional clothing items. I try to keep the surface of the water at chin level, which means that the neck is also submerged – an important thermoregulatory zone worth paying attention to. However, I admit that in the past I used a cap and gloves and gradually gave them up. I think it’s worth using this protection at first, but eventually aim for full exposure to the cold.
A.H.: This is one last question, since we have already talked about preparation. Are there any other mistakes that beginners make? Is there anything that should be avoided during the first exposures of the whole body to the cold, especially for prolonged immersion?
J.C.: The first mistake that comes to mind is excessive competition, especially among men. Walrus swimming has a certain spectatorial aspect to it – it is impressive, and people who practice it often feel pride. This is understandable. There was a meme circulating on the Internet recently that reflected this quite aptly. I believe that walrushing is indeed something to brag about, but its deeper dimension should not be forgotten.
Walrusing, in my opinion, is all about introspection – the ability to focus on one’s own feelings and quiet the mind, despite a situation that the body perceives as life-threatening. It’s about the ability to remain calm and remain unaffected, despite extreme conditions. For me, this is an exercise of a mental nature as well, with many positive effects.
The social aspect of walruses is also worth mentioning. Walruses in a group are more motivating and enjoyable – walrus practitioners often form communities, which encourages joint activities and relationship building. However, this has its pros and cons. The biggest danger is the unhealthy competition that emerges – who can last longer in the water. The key is to know when to say enough and let go before the body reaches, or exceeds, its limits of endurance. Staying in cold water too long just to impress others can have serious health consequences. That’s why it’s important to learn to recognize when the body has reached its limits and not to prolong exposure to the cold against the body’s signals.