Global fish and seafood production reached a record 223.2 million tons in 2022, up 4.4 percent from 2020. The FAO’s latest report also reveals that for the first time ever, aquaculture surpassed traditional fishing to reach just under 131 million tons. This growth underscores the growing importance of aquaculture in the global aquatic food market. Rising consumption of fish and seafood, fueled by changing food preferences and population growth, also contributed to this record. FAO stresses the need to implement sustainable practices in fisheries and aquaculture to meet future challenges and ensure a stable food supply.
Record production of fish and seafood
The FAO report indicates that global fish and seafood production in 2022 was 223.2 million tons, up 4.4 percent from 2020, reaching a record $472 billion. This production consisted of 185.4 million tons of aquatic animals. The increase is a testament to the growing importance of the aquaculture sector in the global aquatic food market. This shift is due to several key factors, including growing demand for animal protein and technological advances that allow for more efficient farm management.
The report also notes that algae production, which reached 37.8 million tons in 2022, is playing an increasingly important role in the global aquatic food market. Algae are used not only as a source of food for humans, but also as an ingredient in aquatic animal feed and a raw material in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The increase in algae production is also a testament to growing environmental awareness and the search for alternative sources of protein and other valuable nutrients.
Aquaculture in the lead
For the first time in history, aquaculture has surpassed traditional fishing as the main source of aquatic animals. In 2022. Global aquaculture production reached 130.9 million tons, of which 94.4 million tons were fish and seafood, equivalent to 51 percent. Their total production. By implementing sustainable practices and innovative technologies, aquaculture has gained prominence as a key element in ensuring a stable supply of aquatic food.
Fishing and aquaculture are an important source of livelihood for millions of people around the world. In 2022. The fisheries and aquaculture sector employed about 61.8 million people, up from 62.8 million in 2020. The majority (54 percent) worked in fisheries, while 36 percent. In aquaculture. As the report points out, although production in Asia and Africa accounts for the majority of global output, many low-income countries in these regions are not realizing their full potential. These inequalities underscore the need for greater investment and support for developing regions to reap the benefits of a booming sector.
Sustainable fishing
Record production of fish and seafood underscores their potential to combat food shortages and malnutrition. As specified in the FAO report, since 1961. Global per capita consumption increased from 9.1 kg to 20.7 kg in 2022. This growing demand for fish and seafood is being driven by changing food preferences, population growth and increasing health awareness among consumers worldwide.
Produkcja ryb połowowych pozostaje stabilna od lat 80. XX w. W 2022 r. sektor ten wyprodukował 92,3 mln ton, w tym 11,3 mln ton z połowów śródlądowych i 81 mln ton z połowów morskich. Stabilność produkcji w sektorze ryb połowowych wynika z rygorystycznych regulacji oraz działań mających na celu ochronę zasobów morskich. Jednakże, mimo tych starań, odsetek zasobów morskich połowionych na poziomie biologicznie zrównoważonym zmniejszył się do 62,3 proc. w 2021 r., to jest o 2,3 proc. mniej niż w 2019 r. Oznacza to, że prawie 40 proc. zasobów morskich jest nadmiernie eksploatowanych, co stanowi poważne wyzwanie dla zrównoważonego zarządzania rybołówstwem. Aby przeciwdziałać tym problemom, konieczne jest wprowadzenie skuteczniejszych środków ochrony oraz ścisłe egzekwowanie istniejących regulacji.
Forecasts for the future
The FAO stresses that aquaculture is a key component of the fisheries sector’s sustainable development strategy. It is necessary to implement innovative technologies and practices that minimize negative environmental impacts, such as water pollution and overuse of resources. The introduction of closed and semi-closed systems and sustainable feed management are some of the next recommended measures.
The FAO report predicts continued growth in production and consumption of fish and seafood through 2032. Aquatic animal production is expected to increase by 10 percent, reaching 205 million tons. Consumption is expected to increase by 12 percent, reaching an average of 21.3 kilograms per person in 2032. Population growth and changing consumer preferences will be the main drivers of this trend.
According to UN projections, the world’s population will grow to 9.7 billion people by 2050. Such population growth means that aquatic food production will need to increase by 36 million tons to maintain current per capita consumption levels. To accelerate the sustainable expansion of aquaculture, effective fisheries management and prioritization of equity in supply chains, coordinated action is needed under the UN initiative Blue Transformation . The initiative highlights the potential of living marine resources in ensuring global food security. Key to its implementation will be investment in modern technology, improved regulation and increased public awareness.
Photo. main: Louis Hansel/Unsplash