The National Plan for Reconstruction and Resilience Enhancement (NIP) sets goals for rebuilding and building Poland’s socioeconomic resilience after the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It forms the basis for applying for support from the European Recovery andResilience Facility (RRF), established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 12, 2021.
Under Component B Green Energy and Reduction of Energy Intensity, one of the objectives of which is to adapt to climate change and reduce environmental degradation (B3), two types of rural water-related investments are planned:
- B3.3.1 Investments in enhancing the potential for sustainable water management in rural areas;
- B3.1.1 Investments in sustainable water and wastewater management in rural areas.
All those interested in receiving support are encouraged to apply and use the funds allocated for the investments in question. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development expects to launch a call for the above-mentioned investments as early as 2024.
KPO’s strategic objective, investments and reforms
The strategic goal of the NIP is to rebuild the development potential of the economy lost as a result of the pandemic, and to help build its competitiveness and increase the standard of living of the population in the long term. It was assumed that the achievement of the goal would take place mainly by accelerating the development of a low-carbon, closed-loop economy that makes responsible use of environmental resources, as well as digitally-driven development.
KPO investments and reforms
The NIP provides for a total of 54 investments and 48 reforms included in the seven components listed below:
- Economic resilience and competitiveness;
- Green energy and reducing energy intensity;
- Digital Transformation;
- Efficiency, accessibility and quality of the health care system;
- Green, smart mobility;
- Improving the quality of institutions and conditions for implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan;
- REPower EU.
It was assumed that reforms and investments would be implemented by August 31, 2026.
KPO investments and reforms under the responsibility of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
KPO investments under the responsibility of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development include:
- A1.4.1 Investments to diversify and shorten the supply chain of agricultural and food products and build the resilience of actors in the chain;
- A2.4.1 Investments in expansion of research capacity;
- B3.1.1 Investments in sustainable water and wastewater management in rural areas;
- B3.3.1 Investments in enhancing the potential for sustainable water management in rural areas.
KPO reforms under the responsibility of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development include:
- A1.4 Reform to improve conditions for competitiveness and protection of producers/consumers in the agricultural sector;
- A2.4 Strengthen mechanisms for cooperation between science and industry;
- B3.1 Support for sustainable water and wastewater management in rural areas;
- B3.3 Support for sustainable management of water resources in agriculture and rural areas.
Investments in sustainable water and wastewater management in rural areas
Under the budget for B3.1.1 Investments in sustainable water and wastewater management in rural areas, i.e. 204 million, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development plans to support:
- local government units;
- inter-municipal associations;
- municipal companies.
This support is for the construction, expansion or modernization of water supply or sewage disposal systems in rural areas outside agglomerations. It will also be possible to finance infrastructure using digital solutions. Support will be given to the implementation of projects in areas belonging to a rural or urban-rural municipality, excluding cities over 5,000. residents. Under the support, it will be possible to finance up to 100 percent. eligible costs.
Investments in enhancing the potential for sustainable water management in rural areas
Support will be provided in three thematic areas for different groups of beneficiaries. The investment budget for the three areas listed below is 289 million euros.
In the area:
- A – financial support will be aimed at activating rural residents, which will be implemented by agricultural advisory centers within the framework of Local Water Partnerships (LPW).
Agricultural advisory units will be able to organize training courses, workshops, study tours, and commission the development of expert opinions on the designation of priority water retention investments in the area of operation of a given LPW.
The aim of this intervention is to galvanize local communities in favor of measures to improve water management.
- B – in areas belonging to a rural or urban-rural municipality, excluding cities over 5,000. residents, a municipality or an inter-municipal association will be able to carry out projects related to the construction, reconstruction, reconstruction or expansion of water reclamation facilities and small water facilities (in particular, limiting water runoff, including water retention).
The use of nature-based solutions will also be considered as eligible costs for such investments.
- C – State Water Management will be able to apply for reimbursement of costs incurred for inventory work on water reclamation facilities.
The purpose of the activity is to develop a database of water reclamation facilities and reclaimed land.
Launch of recruitment
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development expects to launch the call for investments described above as early as 2024. The implementation documentation will be published by the Ministry as soon as it is approved.
Photo. main: Wody Polskie