Tag Archives: drinking water
Four billion people in the world without access to drinking water
In Poland, more than 99 percent. households can drink water straight from the tap, and [...]
Drinking water will be even safer – new EU standards
Guaranteeing access to clean and safe-to-drink water is an extremely important aspect of public health [...]
Havant Thicket Reservoir, the first major reservoir in the UK in more than 30 years
Global company GHD will begin work on the construction of a large water reservoir in [...]
How water was sealed in a bottle – the history of bottled water
I remember one day I was suddenly and unexpectedly struck by a strange thought: why [...]
Glyphosate – no decision on extending the use of the compound
Glyphosate is an organic chemical compound from the phosphonate group, which is the active ingredient [...]
Water treatment process. About how more is not always better
The fact that without water there is no life is known to all of us, [...]
Healthy through water. History and the present
"The beginning of all things is water," claimed the ancient philosopher Tales of Miletus. He [...]
South Africa’s massive $1.5 billion water supply infrastructure project
Large mining companies such as Glencore and Anglo American Platinum are working with the South [...]
Drinking water extracted from the air? Source’s hydropanel technology
Arizona-based Source Global has launched solar-powered hydropanels. The technology extracts water vapor molecules from the [...]
Gizycko – tap water awarded again
Gizycko has reason to be proud! The city's taproom has again been awarded in the [...]
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