Tag Archives: Food
In Poland, we waste millions of tons of food every year. What can you change this Christmas?
Christmas is a time for reflection, including on what is on our tables. In Poland, [...]
Food imports are getting more expensive – rising prices of coffee, tea and cocoa are to blame
According to the Food and Drug Administration. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), [...]
The EU food system and its dependence on external suppliers
In early March 2024. The findings of the study The dependency of the EU's food [...]
Herbicides and their effects on aquatic ecosystems
Herbicides are an integral part of modern agriculture and will be used in ever-increasing quantities [...]
Trying to reduce food waste – public consultation
The European Commission's proposed amendments to the EU Waste Framework Directive - COM(2023) 420 final [...]
Water footprint – a way to ensure rational use of water in agriculture
We know that during the year from the surface of Poland drains by rivers into [...]
Integrated water, energy and food projects adopted by Southern African Development Community member states
During the symposium, held on October 19-21, 2022. at the Sun City Resort in South [...]