Tag Archives: funding
Green energy on the farm
Under the operation Modernization of farms, specifically the sub-measure Support for investment in farms, a [...]
Another call for applications for support for “Investments to protect waters from pollution by nitrates of agricultural origin” is launched
As of March 3, 2023. Farmers who rear or raise livestock and plan an investment [...]
Call for applications for financial support of investments related to irrigation or use of green energy sources on farms
Farmers planning irrigation or green energy investments on their farms from January 31 to March [...]
Financial support for the implementation of the nitrate program from RDP 2014 – 2020 and PS CAP 2023 – 2027
According to the current provisions of the nitrate program (Program of measures to reduce water [...]
Increased limit for investments to protect waters from nitrate pollution from agricultural sources – next call for applications starts in February
Under the operation "Investments to protect waters from nitrate pollution from agricultural sources," specifically the [...]