STEP I. Before you proceed with your intention
Performing on a property with an area of more than 3,500 m2 works or structures permanently connected to the ground, affecting the reduction of natural terrain retention by excluding more than 70% of the area of the property from biologically active surface, in areas not covered by open or closed sewer systems, according to the Water Law, requires a water law permit. This is a form of special water use defined in 2018.
You need a permit when your plot is located in an area not covered by open or closed sewer systems, which is usually in non-urbanized areas.
Where we have a combined sewer system, administered by, for example, a sewer and water utility, obtaining a permit will not be required.
STEP II. Necessary documents
If you perform works or facilities on the property that reduce retention, that is, permanently seal the surface, apply for a water permit. It is, according to Art. 389 of the Water Law, required for special use of water, that is, in the issue at hand, for the execution of works affecting the reduction of retention.
A water permit is issued upon application for a water permit. You will obtain them from the relevant unit of the Polish Water Authority – the nearest catchment area board.
The fee for the issuance of a water law permit for the execution of works or facilities affecting the reduction of retention is PLN 250.00 and should be paid to the account of the Polish Water Authority.
The permit application shall be accompanied by a written water supply report, in descriptive and graphic form, as well as on computer storage media as a text document.
The operative must meet the requirements set forth in Art. 409 para. 1 and paragraph. 2 of the Water Law, and the descriptive part should be adapted to the type of activity to which the permit applies.
The operative must contain all the information indicated in Art. 409 para. 1 and paragraph. 2. If any of the points does not apply to the issue, the operative should state “not applicable.” Its omission or deletion of a point will result in a call for completion.
The contents of the operative on the basis of which a water permit is issued for the execution of works or construction facilities that affect the reduction of natural terrain retention are supplemented by paragraph (2). 7 Art. 409 of the Water Law. It expands the information to include data specific to the activity of performing works that affect the reduction of retention. He indicates that the operative should include, among other things.
- The total area of the property, including the area covered by works or structures and the biologically active area;
- Description of works or construction facilities affecting the reduction of natural terrain retention;
- The capacity of natural field retention expressed in m3/year;
- The type of sealed area water retention devices and their capacity;
- The maximum amount of rainwater or snowmelt discharged to water or to the ground expressed in m3/year;
- The amount of rainwater and snowmelt discharged to water retention facilities from sealed areas expressed in m3/year;
- The average amount of rainwater and snowmelt expressed in m3/year;
- information on whether rainwater or snowmelt is captured in an open or closed sewer system;
- The ratio of the capacity of water retention facilities to the annual volume of rainwater and snowmelt.
Operat mark the date of its execution. It is also important to include a description of the project that does not include specialized terms.
You can proceed with the work in compliance with all other applicable regulations.
A fee is charged for the reduction of natural terrain retention due to the execution ofworks or structures permanently connected to the land on a property with an area of more than 3,500m2 . It depends on the sealed surface water retention devices used. If you do not apply them, it will be 1.00 PLN/m2/year. If you use drain retention devices, your fee can drop as much as tenfold and depends on their capacity.
In this case, the fee is charged by the mayor of the municipality.
The amount of the fee for the reduction of natural terrain retention due to the execution of works or facilities on the property that affect water storage shall be received from the relevant municipality in the form of information. It should also include a description of how this fee is calculated. The payment shall be made to the bank account of the relevant municipality (city) within 14 days from the date of service of the information.