In 2016. The European Commission has pledged to report regularly on the state of implementation of EU environmental legislation. In 2022. The third Environmental Implementation Review (EIR) was published, summarizing the performance of member states in implementing the EU’s environmental responsibilities.
The goal of the EIR is to improve the implementation of EU environmental laws and policies in EU member states by identifying implementation gaps and their causes. Individual member state reports on all relevant environmental areas are also an integral part of the review. The reports highlight the main challenges and achievements of each member state in implementing EU laws and policies in the field. The environmental topic areas addressed in the EIR are:
- Closed-loop economy and waste management;
- Biodiversity and natural capital;
- zero pollution (air quality, industrial emissions, prevention of major industrial accidents, noise, water quality and water management, chemicals);
- climate action.
As part of the 2022 EIR. A country report for Poland was prepared, which outlined, among other things. The situation in the aforementioned subject areas. According to the information provided in the prepared report, in Poland, investment expenditures on environmental protection between 2014 and 2020 accounted for 1.24% of GDP (the EU average was 0.7%). It is estimated that total investment needs in this area in the coming period will average at least 1.98% of Poland’s GDP annually. It follows that the investment gap is more than 0.74% of GDP and should be closed by focusing on national priorities for implementing environmental policies.