In an innovative approach to urban space that reverses traditional urban planning schemes, Lodz under Hanna Zdanowska’s leadership is transforming itself into a green oasis, redefining the concept of urban life. Agnieszka Hobot’s conversation with the mayor reveals the origins and future of projects that are revitalizing concrete spaces. From the transformation of streets and squares to ambitious plans to renaturate downtown rivers, Lodz is drawing a new model for cities of the future.
Agnieszka Hobot: Madam President, I would like to start by asking about the spatial transformation of Lodz, for which the city has recently become famous. Where did the de-conetrification initiative come from and why did Lodz become the arena of change?
Hanna Zdanowska: I remember the first project that was submitted as part of one of the early editions of the civic budget. It proposed replacing the traditional asphalt pavement with a street designed mainly for pedestrians, which was a complete reversal of the previous approach. The project provoked considerable opposition because it introduced something new into the urban space. It was treated as a drastic change, especially since our work on the street, which was to create a pedestrian-vehicle zone, began during the reconstruction of the Łódź Fabryczna station. The idea was that cars could move there, but had to respect the priority of pedestrians, and trees were to be planted in the space.
It was a change inspired by solutions from Western countries, which shows the direction in which we want to transform our city, drawing on best practices. This project became an impulse for further actions and initiated a snowball effect – it successively showed how urban space can be developed differently. Similar projects, which we call green projects, initially single, over time became the majority in the civic budget, where they now account for more than 50-60 percent of all proposals.
As a result, not only residents’ perceptions about land use have changed, but also their demands. Thanks to my background in environmental protection and my openness to dialogue with residents, I have been able to support these changes. We are encroaching on the motorized space, which brings up emotions about zoning restrictions for parking, but we are trying to create alternatives, such as multi-story parking lots. It’s an educational process in which residents learn that the city is for the people, and cars are just one tool that should not dominate the quality of urban life.
A.H.: I would like to pause for a moment on the subject of public acceptance, which you mentioned. Reconstruction projects started with civic budget initiatives, but not everyone shared enthusiasm about their goals and needs. As a city, you have encountered some reluctance. How do you deal with this public resistance?
H.Z.: I think a certain level of resistance to change is natural and never completely disappears. Sometimes I feel that some circles perceive me as a person who wants to hijack the city and change it not necessarily for the better. However, it is important to remember that our activities are aimed at creating a space that is friendly to every resident. Despite the fact that Lodz was late in the process of urban transformation, we try to draw on international best practices, which sometimes arouses amazement and resistance.
Conversations with residents, open dialogue are key. Education at every level, from kindergartens to meetings with seniors, helps build understanding of these changes. Meetings where experts can discuss climate change impacts and adaptation needs are equally important. Despite the challenges, we are seeing positive results from our efforts. Residents are beginning to see the benefits of green investments, such as better air quality, less risk of flooding, and more pleasant living space. It’s a long process, but I believe that education and open communication will convince even the most skeptical that what we are doing is for the common good. What once seemed like a fad is today recognized as a necessity, and our city is becoming an example of how people’s needs can be harmoniously combined with concern for the environment.
A.H.: Let’s talk about the process of shaping urban space in the context of water management. Łódź is undertaking an initiative that I think is unique in Poland, especially in the context of such dense development. I’m talking about a project to renaturalize rivers that were previously built up or concreted over. Where did the idea for this project come from? What goals do you have in mind in implementing this project?
H.Z.: The river restoration project in Lodz has several key aspects. The primary one is the adaptation of the city to incidental but intense rainfall, which can cause serious perturbations. With this project we want to counteract these risks, which is particularly important in the context of our topography. The idea was born from the observation that Lodz, like other cities, needs more effective rainwater management. In the past, the city had a rich network of rivers and streams, which have been built up or channelized over time. Our goal is to restore these watercourses where possible so they can perform their natural function in the urban system.
With the implementation of this project, we aim to restore river channels that can effectively collect excess rainwater, preventing it from flowing rapidly into the sewer system. This, in turn, should reduce the risk of local flooding and improve residents’ quality of life. One of the goals is also to increase biodiversity and improve the quality of the city’s environment. River restoration is also a response to climate needs, enabling better management of water resources in an era of a changing climate.
These activities are being implemented with the support of EU funds, which highlights their innovative nature and potential model role for other Polish cities. The project also aims to educate and raise awareness among residents about sustainable development and water management.
A.H.: Madam President, 14 years in office is an impressive result, but also a great deal of experience worth sharing. If you had to give three golden pieces of advice to other local government officials who want to follow the same path, but are just starting out, what would they be?
H.Z.: That’s right, 14 years has allowed me to accumulate valuable experience. If I were to share advice with other local government officials who are taking their first steps in city management, I would choose three key principles:
- Don’t be afraid to ask and learn from others. We are in our positions to implement projects that benefit communities. If another local government would like to learn from our experience, we are open to cooperation. It is important not to wait passively, but to actively seek knowledge and inspiration, both at home and abroad.
- Dialogue with residents is key. Nothing can be done against the people we work with. I always try to conduct discussions in such a way that residents feel that it is their idea that is being implemented. This makes them get more involved in decision-making processes and appreciate the results of the work, which are also theirs.
- Be brave and don’t be afraid of criticism. If we believe that an initiative will bring positive change, we should not give way under the pressure of criticism. An example is our Freedom Square. Initially we met with a lot of resistance, but thanks to determination and cooperation with residents, the space was transformed and today it is one of the favorite places of Lodz residents and non-Lodz residents alike, treasured both in summer and winter.
These three principles have helped me in my work to transform Lodz into a city that is more resident-friendly and open to modern urban planning solutions. I encourage other local governments to have the courage to implement even the most ambitious projects.
A.H.: In conclusion, I would like to ask you about a dream related to the work and mission you are pursuing in Lodz. If you could tell, what would it be?
H.Z.: My biggest dream is to have enough funds to be able to quickly and effectively implement all the necessary changes in the city. Even the best ideas need funds to be implemented. Looking at the speed at which our environment is changing – rising temperatures, extreme weather events – it becomes clear that there is no more time for corrective measures.
I would like to see environmental issues taken seriously by everyone, not just our local government. This is a global challenge that requires global solutions and cooperation. The example of Krakow, where despite the elimination of local sources of pollution, the smog problem has not been solved due to geography and neighboring municipalities, shows that local actions, while important, must be supported by broader initiatives.
My dream also includes greater international cooperation and a return to a dialogue on sustainability that would be taken seriously by all participants. I believe that every step, even the smallest one, towards sustainability is a step in the right direction. It’s not a matter of immediately switching to electric cars if we don’t already have sustainable energy sources, but every action should be well thought out and result in a real change for the environment. The most important thing is to start taking action. Every intervention, even the smallest, matters.
pic. main: UM Łódź