The LIFE program is the EU’s funding instrument for environmental and climate action. The European Commission will invest more than 116 million euros in new projects. They will be implemented in Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Finland. Support the implementation of EU legislation and policies at the regional, national or supranational level. In addition, they help beneficiary countries integrate nature and biodiversity conservation goals into other policies and financial instruments. They also contribute to the implementation of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and low-carbon action plans.
Among the new LIFE Strategic Projects are two that will be implemented in Poland. The first is about climate protection(LIFE AFTER COAL PL) and the second is about conservation(Wetlands Green LIFE). The awarded funding totals more than 30 million euros.
New projects are important in transforming Europe into a climate-neutral area (European Green Deal). They also support the EU’s biodiversity strategy, plans for a circular economy and for eliminating pollution. In addition, they contribute to the transition to clean energy.
The LIFE program has been running continuously in the EU since 1992. Various environmental initiatives are implemented through it. Co-financing has so far covered more than 5,500 projects across the EU and in third countries. For the period 2021 – 2027, the European Commission has increased LIFE funding by almost 60%, to €5.4 billion, including a new subprogram on the transition to clean energy.
The LIFE program is managed by the European Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation. Climate, Infrastructure and Environment (CINEA).