Author Archives: Karol Kucharski
EC unveiled “Green Deal industrial plan”
Europe, according to the European Green Deal, by 2050. is set to become the first [...]
Call for applications for financial support of investments related to irrigation or use of green energy sources on farms
Farmers planning irrigation or green energy investments on their farms from January 31 to March [...]
First ministerial-level global forum on trade, climate and sustainable development issues
On January 19, 2023. The European Commission, member states and 26 partner countries have inaugurated [...]
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on draft guidelines for the preparation of sustainable development agreements in the agricultural sector
From January 10 to April 24, 2023. The European Commission is holding a public consultation [...]
The first installment of the “Energy for Villages” program has been launched
The goal of the Rural Energy program is to increase the use of renewable energy [...]
732 million euros to support the fishing sector, fishermen, processors and aquaculture and compensate for the significant reduction in fishing opportunities under the European Funds for Fisheries program
On December 9, 2022. The European Commission has approved the European Funds for Fisheries program [...]
European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform – ESPP
In order to create a European market for recycled phosphorus and push for more sustainable [...]
Financial support for the implementation of the nitrate program from RDP 2014 – 2020 and PS CAP 2023 – 2027
According to the current provisions of the nitrate program (Program of measures to reduce water [...]
EC Communication on the 2022 Environmental Policy Implementation Review. Reversing the trend by complying with environmental laws
In 2016. The European Commission has pledged to report regularly on the state of implementation [...]
Strengthen and expand CO2 emissions trading and establish a Social Climate Fund
In order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, in line with the European Green Deal, [...]